PSC 19

PSC 19 - Electricity

Table of Contents

For your convenience, we have placed the entire Tariff online Sections 1-9, Sections 10-41, and Service Classifications.

Part I: Territory to Which Schedule Applies 

Part II:  Rules and Regulations 

  1. Definitions and Abbreviations
  2. How to Obtain Service
  3. Extension and Maintenance of Company Facilities to Serve Customer
  4. Metering and Billing
  5. Termination of Service
  6. Liability
  7. Application Forms
  8. Customer Inquiries and Complaints
  9. Interest on Customer Overpayments
  10. Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Interconnection Requirements
  11. General Retail Access
  12. Supply Service Options
  13. Distributed Energy Resources
  14. Reserved for Future Use
  15. Reserved for Future Use
  16. Reserved for Future Use
  17. Reserved for Future Use 
  18. Reserved for Future Use 
  19. Reserved for Future Use
  20. Reserved for Future Use 
  21. Compliance with Directives of the New York Independent System Operator ("NYISO")
  22. Compliance with Discontinuance Directives from the NY State Department of Transportation (DOT)
  23. Community Distributed Generation
  24. Rate Adjustment Mechanism (RAM)
  25. Clean Energy Standard (CES)
  26. Value of Distributed Energy Resources (VDER)
  27. Reserved for Future Use
  28. Remote Net Metering
  29. Reserved for Future Use
  30. Energy Storage Deployment Cost Recovery
  31. Term and Auto-Dynamic Load Management Programs
  32. Non-Wires Alternative (NWA)
  33. Electric Vehicle "EV" Make Ready Surcharge "EV Surcharge" Program to Contribute to Existing Economic Development Customers and Serve New Governmental Entities
  34. New York Power Authority (NYPA) Program to Contribute to Existing Economic Development Customers and Serve New Governmental Entities
  35. Remote Crediting "RC" Program
  36. Arrears Relief Program
  37. EV Managed Charging Program
  38. Electric Vehicle Demand Charge Rebate
  39. Statewide Solar For All ("S-SFA") Program
  40. Renewable Energy Access and Community Help Program ("REACH") Program
  41. Recovery Charge

Part III:  Service Classifications 

  1. Residential Service
  2. General Service - Small Use 
  3. General Service - 100 kW Minimum
  4. Residential Service Time-of-Use Rate
  5. Buy-back Service
  6. Area Lighting Service
  7. General Service - 12 kW Minimum
  8. Large General Service - Time-of-Use Rate 
  9. General Service - Time-of-Use
  10. General Service - Individually Negotiated Contracts
  11. General Service - Economic Development 
  12. Reserved for Future Use
  13. Reserved
  14. Standby Service
  15. Optional Demand Service Rate



Please note, the most recent statement listed is the statement that is currently in effect which supersedes the other statements listed

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Statements on file with the Public Service Commission (PSC)

Applicable to PSC 19

Effective Date

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