NYS Clean Heat Rebate Program for Participating Contractors

Heat pumps must be installed by a participating contractor to be eligible for a rebate. Visit our list of participating contractors currently in the NYS Clean Heat website.


We are offering incentives to residential and commercial natural gas and electricity customers who install qualifying heat pump equipment. This program is also available to eligible customers who build a new home and install eligible equipment.

Prior to beginning a project, have your customer complete the participant acknowledgement form. (English / En Espanol). If you’re already a participating contractor, use our online tool to submit rebate applications and check the status of incentives.


Join our innovative advertising Co-Op partnership with the New York Clean Heat Program, designed specifically for contractors looking to elevate their business! Our comprehensive guide ensures you align your services with the program’s standards, making it easier for you to connect with customers. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your visibility, contribute to a clean heating future and grow your business - all through a trusted program dedicated to clean energy excellence! Submit an Asset Request Form and signed Contractor Agreement to cleanheatcontractorads@emailicf.com to receive an ad template and get started today!



Please submit an application package and email to nyscleanheat@icf.com with the following documents:

  • This completed Program Application Form (English / En Espanol)
  • Cost estimate for proposed work 
  • HVAC schedule and load calculation
  • W-9 of the incentive recipient 
  • Energy savings analysis
  • Customer proposal/statement of work 
  • Mechanical drawings
  • Statewide Clean Heat Custom Calculator

Not yet a participating contractor? Sign up to join our network!


Complete and submit your NYS Clean Heat Application via the online NYS Clean Heat Contractor Management Portal.

New participating contractors will have their first three jobs subject to a QA QC post-inspection review, followed by a random selection after the first three jobs. For more information about inspections, please visit the NYS Clean Heat website.


The NYS Clean Heat website provides program documents, guidelines, and other contractor resources. Clean Heat Connect also has other valuable information including installer reference materials, marketing tools, field assessment inspection materials, heat pump sizing support tools and more!

To learn more about what air or ground source heating and cooling technologies are best for your customer, view our air source sell sheet, ground source sell sheet, or all equipment sell sheet.  

Interested in the IRA – 25C Tax Credit Guide? Click here to learn more.


Program Closure When Funds Are Exhausted. This rebate program will close once all incentive funds for the program are exhausted. A program closure announcement will be displayed here and on our NYS Clean Heat Rebate Program information page.

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