Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a standard for the electronic exchange of information between businesses using standard, machine-processable, structured data formats.

Utilities and ESCO/Marketers are required to comply with the PSC's Orders regarding Case 98-M-0667.


  • Has been an active participant in the EDI Collaborative and supports the direction being taken.
  • Has been Phase I certified.
  • Has successfully completed Phase II testing, demonstrating the ability to conduct business using EDI over the Internet.
  • Has completed Phase III testing with many ESCO/Marketers. Interested parties can view information about and enroll in RG&E’s testing process positions via our EDI Test Schedules.

For more information, refer to the EDI Overview (PDF) excerpt from the "Report of the New York EDI Collaborative -- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Proceeding -- Public Service Commission Case 98-M-0667 filed on June 30, 1999.

Effective January 1, 2003, all new electric and/or gas suppliers applying for approval in RG&E's Service Territory must first successfully complete EDI Core Testing as part of the approval process. New suppliers will be required to satisfy all application requirements, including creditworthiness criteria of RG&E and the NYISO prior to being accepted into an EDI test batch. This new requirement will require up to 3 weeks to complete. Those interested in a Utility Bill Ready Consolidated Bill will require up to an additional 3 weeks of testing. Please reference RG&E's EDI test batch schedule.

Request a reservation for a test batch.

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