EDI Test Instructions

EDI Test Instructions

The following information highlights RG&E's instructions for the Phase III testing process

These processes are defined in the Technical Operating Profile for Electronic Data Interchange in New York – Supplement 1.

Additional Information

The ESCO / Marketer Should:

  • Review RG&E’s Phase III Testing Schedule and select an available test period that is suitable for their purposes.
  • Contact the appropriate party as indicated on the Phase III Testing Schedule instructions to enroll for testing.  A RG&E representative will then contact the designated ESCO/Marketer/DER to discuss testing.

Please Note:

  • RG&E operates a highly secure and controlled Internet infrastructure and has a detailed set of technical information in its Pre-Testing Worksheet to be reviewed with the ESCO/Marketer’s information technology staff.
  • RG&E’s EDI implementation is in accordance with the guidelines and standards as documented in the Public Service Commission's Case 98-M-0667. Any specific exceptions or conditions are documented in RG&E’s Pre-Testing Worksheet.
  • RG&E will coordinate with the ESCO/Marketer/DER to perform the Connectivity Testing section of the testing requirements in advance of the actual test batch start date. Due to the complexity of RG&E’s secure Internet infrastructure and in order to expedite the batch testing process, RG&E prefers to perform connectivity testing with ESCO/Marketers/DERs on a one-by-one basis. Completing the connectivity testing with each ESCO/Marketer/DER ahead of the actual test batch start date affords the business transaction batch testing to proceed more quickly.

Effective January 1, 2003, all new electric and/or gas suppliers applying for approval in RG&E's Service Territory must first successfully complete EDI Core Testing as part of the approval process. New suppliers will be required to satisfy all application requirements, including creditworthiness criteria of RG&E and the NYISO prior to being accepted into an EDI test batch. This new requirement will require up to 3 weeks to complete. Those interested in a Utility Bill Ready Consolidated Bill will require up to an additional 3 weeks of testing. Please reference RG&E's EDI test batch schedule .

Request a reservation for a test batch.

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