Time Of Use Rates

Time Of Use Rates

Using electricity during mid-peak and off-peak service times may help you control your electricity costs.

Your monthly bill is affected by the price of energy and the amount of energy you use. Your energy costs include the fixed delivery cost from your utility and the supply cost based on the supply option you have selected. As your energy delivery company, we build and maintain a safe, reliable system to deliver your energy supply to you. The supply charge is what you pay your supplier for the energy you use. If you purchase your supply from us, we pass through the variable market cost without profit or markup. You can also shop for your supply through an energy services company (ESCO) and your supply cost would be determined based on the agreement with your supplier. 

What is the time-of-use pricing option?

During on-peak hours, when customer demands for electricity are highest, the cost of providing electricity is greater than at off-peak hours, when customer demand is lower. With the time-of-use pricing option, your cost varies according to the period in which you use the electricity. If you use electricity when demand is high (on-peak), your cost will be higher. However, if you use electricity when the demand is low (off-peak), your cost will be lower.

Will I save money using the time-of-use pricing option?

It depends on the amount of electricity you use, when you use it and your supply price.

The delivery cost for this pricing option is the same fixed cost during all hours. If you purchase your electricity supply from us, on-peak hours are higher than our regular residential rate while mid-peak and off-peak hours offer lower market supply costs when demand and market cost for electricity is lower. While off-peak supply costs are typically lower than our regular residential rate, they can be higher depending on the market cost and demand for energy during the year.

There is also a higher monthly meter charge. Customers who shift a large portion of their use of major electrical appliances to off-peak hours may save money. The important thing to remember is that the time-of-use pricing option gives customers with high electricity usage an opportunity to control their bill by shifting use to off-peak periods.

You can view current and historical electricity pricing for time-of-use and regular residential pricing options here

How are time-of-use and regular residential supply pricing different?

The time-of-use pricing option uses daily market prices, which means you see a difference in supply costs – higher or lower – on your bill more immediately. Our regular residential pricing option builds in market forecasting and purchasing to help buffer the fluctuations in electricity pricing. The differences in market and forecasted supply costs are then reconciled over several months. This means there are times of the year (think very cold winter months or hot summer months) where both the mid-peak and off-peak supply costs on the time-of-use pricing option could be higher than the regular residential pricing option. 

What if I purchase my energy from a supplier?

If you purchase your electricity supply from a supplier, it's important you review your agreement with your supplier or ask potential suppliers while you're shopping to determine any cost savings they offer in time-of-use supply costs. 

Time-of-use hours:

If you use electricity when the demand is low (off-peak), your costs may be lower. The time-of-use pricing option gives customers with high electricity usage an opportunity to control their bill by shifting use to off-peak periods.

  • Peak Hours:  Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • All remaining hours are “off-peak” hours

How do I apply for the Time-of-Use rate?

If you think you would benefit from the time-of-use pricing option, please call us at 800.743.2110. Please keep in mind any change to your pricing option requires a minimum of one year on the new pricing option. 

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