RG&E Replaces Decades Old Gas Main at 12 Corners Intersection in Brighton

Upgrades will provide increased reliability to hundreds of customers 

Part of the Company’s commitment to investing and replacing aging infrastructure across the state and advancing efforts to eliminate leak prone pipes


ROCHESTER, NY — July 26, 2023 — Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&E) replaced and upgraded approximately one mile of underground gas main along South Winton Road in Brighton, known as the 12 Corners intersection. The upgrades were needed to comply with new reliability requirements and will improve the overall resiliency of the entire system, while also removing aging underground pipes that may be prone to leakage if left in service. 

The initial gas main was built in the 1940s. The Company replaced about 5,000 feet of outdated gas main infrastructure. The project will increase reliability, as the potential for gas leaks and inefficiencies are minimized.

“The Twelve Corners and South Winton Road intersections are among Monroe County’s busiest and highly traveled areas. There are two shopping plazas, an active fire station, and the Brighton Central School District Campus. This project serves those customers by providing safe and exceptional service to the community,” said Supervisor of gas engineering for RG&E Britni Tait.

The $9.3M project began construction in April 2022 and was completed in November 2022. 

With the aging infrastructure now replaced, the community can enjoy improved reliability, a reduction in leak potential and fewer maintenance issues, continuing RG&E’s commitment to investing in infrastructure to better serve customers and reduce the potential for greenhouse gas emissions in keeping with the State’s clean energy objectives.

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