NYSEG and RG&E Remind Customers to Be Prepared Ahead of Storms that May Disrupt Service

Customers are reminded to charge oxygen concentrators

Households that rely on life-sustaining equipment should contact NYSEG and RG&E

Make sure generators work properly

BINGHAMTON, NY — October 3, 2024 — New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) and Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&E) are reminding customers to be prepared ahead of the winter months that can bring storms that may cause outages.

“In the event of a storm, we want all of our customers to be prepared, but especially those who rely on life-sustaining equipment,” said Jennifer Pearce, VP of Reliability Assurance and Emergency Management for NYSEG and RG&E’s parent Company Avangrid. “NYSEG and RG&E have benefits and services that can help customers with critical support when they need it most.”

Customers who use oxygen tanks are reminded to charge their oxygen concentrators. NYSEG and RG&E also want to remind customers who rely on life-sustaining equipment that the Companies have an enhanced texting service to notify customers in preparation for a storm and to make sure customers are safe and getting important information needed during an outage. Households that rely on life-sustaining equipment are encouraged to call NYSEG at 800.572.1111 or RG&E at 800.743.2110 to ensure the correct mobile phone number is on file so customers can be reached in an emergency.

Customers can also find more information at Help With Your Bill | NYSEG - NYSEG, or Help With Your Bill | RG&E - RGE - under the Life Support Users section.

Customers using this type of equipment also need to complete a form from their physician and return it to NYSEG and RG&E. This allows the Companies to code customer accounts and meters properly and supports both prioritization of restoration during an event, and additional contact during a storm.

The Companies also remind customers that while generators are useful, they can be dangerous if not used properly. Customers should perform routine maintenance on their generators to ensure they work when they need it during an outage.

Review these safety tips before using your portable or permanent generator.

  • Read, understand and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Don't run a generator indoors or in a garage.
  • Operate your generator outdoors in a clean, dry, well-ventilated area and never indoors or in a garage.
  • Generator must be properly grounded.
  • After losing power, turn off the main breaker or pull the main fuse block.
  • Generators that are directly connected to existing wiring systems must use double-pole, double-throw (DPDT) transfer switch.
  • All electrical connections must comply with the National Electric Code (NEC).
  • Do not overload generator with too many appliances.
  • Use properly sized extension cords in good condition.
  • You may be liable for damage or injury to people and property that may result from an improperly installed or operated emergency generator.

Customers can read the Companies’ Emergency Generator Safety brochure for more information.

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