NYSEG and RG&E Ready to Meet Customers Power Needs as Summer Heats Up

Rochester, NY – With summer heating up, NYSEG and RG&E, subsidiaries of Iberdrola USA, are ready to deliver the power customers need.

“Providing safe, reliable service to our customers is a top priority all year long,” said Mark S. Lynch, president and CEO of NYSEG and RG&E. “We work especially hard ahead of the high-demand summer months to ensure our systems are in good working order and ready to deliver the power our customers need to stay comfortable.”

NYSEG and RG&E have accelerated reliability measures including:

  • Vegetation management. (Trees coming into contact with power lines are a leading cause of power interruptions.)
  • Ongoing comprehensive maintenance.
  • Visual and infrared inspections of equipment.
  • Helicopter patrols of key facilities.
  • As warranted, high-tech inspection and testing of substation equipment.

Records for Electricity Demand
“Load” is the total electricity consumed by all customers at a point in time, and it is a good real-time indicator of how much electricity is being consumed. Peak loads are usually driven by weather and economic conditions. Below are NYSEG’s and RG&E’s summer 2014 peak loads and all-time record peak loads. (Note: A megawatt serves approximately 800 to 1,000 homes.)

>> NYSEG’s summer 2014 peak load: 2,970 megawatts (mw) on July 1
     (NYSEG’s all-time record peak load: 3,345 mw on July 21, 2011)

>> RG&E’s summer 2014 peak load: 1,517 mw on July 1
     (RG&E’s all-time record peak load: 1,752 mw on July 21, 2011)

How to Use Energy Wisely This Summer
NYSEG and RG&E always encourage customers to use energy wisely – here are some tips:

  • Keep curtains or blinds closed on hot, sunny days.
  • Close windows and doors during the hottest parts of the day to keep heat out.
  • Use fans instead of air conditioners.
  • When you do use air conditioners, keep the thermostat set at 78 degrees or higher.
  • Turn off air conditioners when you leave home.
  • Turn off unused lights, TVs, computers and other electronic equipment.
  • When weather permits, dry laundry outside instead of using a clothes dryer.

For more information on using energy wisely, visit http://bit.ly/mgr9kv or http://bit.ly/jFBsc7.

Be Prepared for Power Interruptions
Summer also means the likelihood of occasional strong thunderstorms that can cause lightning-quick damage to electricity delivery systems. NYSEG and RG&E encourage customers to always be prepared for power interruptions. More information is available in the companies’ Weathering Storm Emergencies fact sheet at http://bit.ly/Kc53Jk and http://bit.ly/L9K58B

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