NYSEG and RG&E Crews Hard at Work Striving for Full Restoration of Power for Customers After Powerful Windstorm - 6 p.m.

Companies Continue to Monitor New Wind Gusts Entering the Region 

ROCHESTER, NEW YORK  April 6, 2018 6:00 p.m. NYSEG and RG&E, subsidiaries of AVANGRID (NYSE: AGR), continue to deploy personnel who are working to restore power to the approximately 2,900 remaining customers impacted by this week's powerful windstorm. As of 5 p.m., NYSEG and RG&E have restored power to 126,000 customers impacted by the windstorm that swept across the State. 

NYSEG and RG&E are also addressing scattered outages resulting from wind gusts of 50-55 mph in western New York that will likely continue into Saturday morning. So far, approximately 1,000 customers have been affected by this new wave of high winds.

The goal remains to restore power to the majority of affected customers by 11:45 p.m. tonight with some scattered outages until Saturday. NYSEG and RG&E expect to have approximately 700 customers remaining from the original event at each Company in the Rochester and Lancaster divisions (portions of Erie, Monroe, Wayne and Wyoming counties). The regional estimated restoration time for these customers is 11:45 p.m. Saturday, April 7; as crews determine the repairs needed for these customers, individual restoration times will be provided. 

Our crews will work until the final customers are restored, partnering with municipal officials to coordinate shelters, dry ice and bottled water distribution, and staging areas for our equipment and crews, said Patricia Nilsen, Director of Emergency Preparedness at AVANGRID. As we complete restoration today and tomorrow, our crews will shift to patrolling the system to further repair and reinforce our infrastructure.

To receive the latest updates on power restoration, customers can sign up for alerts at www.nyseg.com or www.rge.com and automatically receive the latest news by phone, text, or email. Customers who have an outage and do not see their street address listed on the outage page should report the outage online or by calling NYSEG at 800-572-1131 or RG&E at 800-743-1701.

Additional safety information including available shelters, warming centers as well as dry ice and bottled water locations is also available at www.nyseg.com or www.rge.com and on the Companies Facebook and Twitter pages.

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