NYSEG and RG&E Complete Power Restoration

ROCHESTER, NY — April 7, 2018 — 6:15 p.m. NYSEG and RG&E, subsidiaries of AVANGRID (NYSE: AGR), announce that they have restored service to all customers affected by the Spring wind storm that began on Wednesday, which at its peak, created more than 130,000 outages throughout the Companies’ service area.  Even after power is restored, customers will continue to see crews doing clean-up work, inspecting and making further repairs. NYSEG asks any customer without power to contact us at nyseg.com or at 800.572.1131, and RG&E customers to contact us at rge.com or at 800.743.1701.

'We appreciate our customers’ patience and understanding as our company, contractor and mutual assistance line and tree workers restored power,” said Carl Taylor, President and CEO of NYSEG and RG&E. “We also express our gratitude to law enforcement agencies, fire departments, highway departments, emergency management officials and local officials that have helped us recover from this weather event.” 

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