NYSEG and RG&E Call Centers Completely Staffed and Ready to Serve

18 new customer care representatives hired this year and 15 more to begin training

Added employees reduce call wait times and address billing matters, improving customer satisfaction

BINGHAMTON, NY — July 3, 2024 — New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) and Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&E) call centers are completely staffed and ready to provide customers with quality service. With stabilized staffing, customer satisfaction has increased.

So far this year, NYSEG and RG&E hired 18 new customer service employees and are looking to hire 15 more that will begin training at the end of July. These positions reduce wait times for customer calls, manage complex billing matters and expedite solutions to issues.

“Every company has dissatisfied customers, but we’re seeing satisfaction among the customers who contact us rise dramatically,” said Christine Alexander, vice president of Customer Service at NYSEG and RG&E. “This is due to the added staffing and the experience those representatives now have to help our customers with their toughest issues.”

Last year, NYSEG and RG&E were faced with customer service issues mainly due to severe post-pandemic challenges and the great resignation. In many cases, customer service metrics have returned to pre-pandemic levels. Improving service levels has been a primary focus of the Companies, and necessary changes and enhancements will continue to be made to benefit customers.

To speak with a customer service representative, call 800.572.1111 (NYSEG) or 800.743.2110 (RG&E). 

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