Residential Agricultural Discount

Residential Agricultural Discount

Are You an RG&E Agricultural Customer? 

If you are, you may be eligible to receive a monthly discount on your electricity delivery bill.
This discount is possible thanks to funding from the New York Power Authority’s (NYPA) ReCharge NY program for RG&E’s Residential Agricultural Discount program. 

Quick facts about RG&E’s Residential Agricultural program: 

  • The program will be administered on an annual basis, September 1 through August 31, with the monthly discount provided until funding is no longer available through NYPA. 
  • It’s necessary to apply annually by July 1 to determine eligibility. 
  • You can apply after July 1; however, such applications may not be processed until after the September 1 start date. Please allow up to 3 months for processing. The discount is not retroactive. 
  • After RG&E processes your application, you will be notified by mail of your enrollment in the program. 
  • The discount amount will appear as a credit in a separate line item “Res agricultural discount” under the “Electricity Delivery Charges” noted on page 3 of your RG&E bill. 


Download application; find out what supporting document  is needed or how to submit your application. 

Eligibility and FAQs

Review eligibility requirements and commonly asked questions below before you apply for the Residential Agricultural Discount.

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The 2024-2025 discount begins with meter readings on or after September 1, 2024. However, you must submit your application by July 1, 2024, to start receiving the discount in September 2024.

The discount amount will be calculated each month and will vary based on how many people participate, the amount of electricity used by each participant and available funds from the New York Power Authority’s (NYPA) Recharge NY program.

The discount amount is then multiplied by your monthly billed kilowatt-hours and your discount  will appear as a credit in a separate line item, “Res agricultural discount , under the “Electricity Delivery Charges” noted on page 3 of your RG&E bill. The credit will not exceed the net total monthly electricity delivery charges.

The program will be administered on an annual basis, September 1 through August 31, with the monthly discount provided until funding is no longer available through NYPA. It’s necessary to reapply by July 1 each year to confirm continued eligibility.

Yes. Applications will be accepted for the discount after July 1; however, such applications may not be processed until after the September 1 start date. Please allow up to 3 months for processing. The Residential Agricultural Discount is not retroactive.

Submit your completed application and supporting documentation to RG&E via:

Mail to: RG&E, 180 South Clinton Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604, Attn: Back Office Billing

Yes. If you generate your own electricity and participate in net metering, the discount will be applied to the electricity delivery portion supplied by RG&E after all net metering credits have been applied.

By completing a  Residential Agricultural Discount application  and submitting it to RG&E along with your supporting documentation.

You’re eligible to receive the monthly discount if you meet the two conditions below:

  1. You have an active residential electric service account with RG&E billed under service classification PSC 19 SC1 or SC4 noted after Electricity Service on page 3 of your bill. Learn how to find your service classification.
  2. You have submitted one of the following forms (supporting documentation) with your most recently filed federal tax return:
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