Non-Wires Alternatives

Non-Wires Alternatives

Moving Toward the Interactive Grid of the Future

Non-Wires Alternatives

We are committed to considering innovative Non-Wires Alternatives (NWA) solutions to electric capital investments where they are appropriate and cost-effective. NWA solutions utilize third-party distributed energy resources (DERs) to defer or avoid certain traditional electric infrastructure projects.


Our strategy for NWA is to build a portfolio of NWA DER projects which are cost effective for customers, provide reliable alternatives to traditional capital investment projects, and provide full cost recovery and earnings opportunities for our companies, while we comply with regulatory directives and learn from and work cooperatively with other utilities and stakeholders.

Project Selection and Process

NWA solutions provide the opportunity to improve reliability, explore alternative infrastructure solutions, and contribute to New York’s energy vision. To determine upcoming distribution and transmission projects suitable for these solutions, several factors are considered. Traditional electric system construction projects that meet a need for decreased demand and/or increased reliability, with a minimum of 36 months until time of need and construction costs greater than $1,000,000 are reviewed as potential NWA projects. Projects are evaluated and ordered according to time of need. Requests for proposals (RFP) are then scheduled and responses are reviewed to determine the cost-effectiveness and technical viability of each project.  Contracting with third party developers and project construction, measurement and verification follow.

Project Opportunities

There are no open NWA solicitations at this time.

Current Projects

There are no current projects at this time.

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