EV Charging Station Installations Are Easier and More Affordable

EV Charging Station Installations Are Easier and More Affordable

As of October 2, 2024 RG&E is offering a new Load Management Technology Incentive Program (LMTIP). LMTIP offers incentives for EV load management technologies capable of reliably balancing, curtailing, or deferring a customer’s net EV charging demand on the electric grid. For more information about the RG&E LMTIP email evprograms@rge.com.

The journey to electric, zero-emission transportation is underway, and we want to make it simple and budget friendly for all. With our new Make-Ready Program, businesses can now quickly install electric vehicle (EV) charging stations with up to 100 percent reimbursement of costs for the electrical improvements needed to support EV charging. Please download and read the Participant Guide for more information. 

Interested in Getting Your Own EV Charging Stations?

EV charging stations can help you stand out as a sustainability leader, attract new visitors, and create a new revenue stream. Watch the below video and click “Read More” to learn about EV charging stations and how to get started with the Make-Ready program. 

If you already have an approved contractor to work with, click “Apply Now” to go straight to the application portal.


Read More

Apply Now



First time users: New users of the portal need to contact EVprograms@RG&E.com for a username and temporary password. 




For Contractors and Developers

Take advantage of the growing demand for EV charging and boost your bottom line. Our Make-Ready incentives make it easier for you to sell more station installation projects. Contractors must be approved by the Joint Utilities of New York for EV charger installations to be eligible for Make-Ready incentives. 

If you are already an approved contractor click “Apply Now” to go straight to the application portal, or you can subscribe to receive more information and program updates via email.  


Apply Now

Become an Approved Contractor

To become an approved contractor and take advantage of the program, complete and submit the application form located on the Joint Utilities website.


Apply to Become an Approved Vendor


Incentives and Eligibility

Download this PDF for more information about the program including incentives, eligibility requirements, and an overview of the process.

EV Charging Station Capacity Map

If you are planning to install DCFC stations or other large EV charging load, it is important to understand the site’s load capacity as this can dramatically affect costs. Our EV load capacity mapping system can help you determine if a site can support new EV charging load. Click on the “Electrification Capacity” tab in the load capacity map to access to correct EV charging load map.

Disadvantaged Communities Map

Our Disadvantaged Communities Map can help you determine if your customer’s site qualifies for incentives of up to 100 percent.


Contractors or developers with questions should email our Trade Ally partner Franklin Energy at evmr@franklinenergy.com.

Considering EVs for your fleet? We can help with our Fleet Assessment Services

By providing site feasibility, rate analysis, estimated billing impacts and charging recommendations, we will assist you with making informed decisions when transitioning your commercial fleet to electric vehicles .

View and submit an application for our Fleet Assessment Service.

Medium and Heavy Duty Vehicle EV Make-Ready Pilot

To encourage reduction of diesel emissions, The Medium and Heavy Duty Fleet Make-Ready Pilot Program is available to fleet operators and provides incentives of up to 90% of utility side make-ready costs for the installation of necessary charging infrastructure. Qualifying participants must also be seeking and receiving support through the New York Truck Voucher Incentive Program (run by NYSERDA) or the New York City Clean Trucks Program (administered by NYC Department of Transportation. If you are a Medium or Heavy Duty Fleet Operator interested in EV Make-Ready Incentives, please complete the Fleet Assessment Service Application listed above in the Fleet Assessment Services section.

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