Commercial System Relief Program

Commercial System Relief Program

Demand response program enrollment for the summer of 2025 is now open.

When you participate in our Commercial System Relief Program (CSRP), you are paid to save energy, and you play a significant role in the operation of the electricity grid by reducing or shifting your electricity use during peak periods. The Commercial System Relief Program, and other similar demand response programs, can lower the cost of electricity in wholesale markets and, in turn, lead to lower retail rates.

Our Commercial System Relief Program provides notification of no less than 21 hours to enrolled customers to reduce their electricity use to help maintain system reliability in their communities.

Eligibility and Requirements

  • You must have an interval meter with telecommunications capability. If you do not have an interval meter installed for monthly billing, we will install an interval meter at your expense ($700). A dedicated phone line also has to be installed to the meter and maintained at your expense. 
  • We may issue load reduction notifications from May 1 through September 30. 
  • You must be able to respond to demand response events Monday through Friday. 
  • You must maintain electricity reduction for at least four hours during an event beginning at 2 p.m.
  • Customers enrolled in the Reservation Payment Option (see below) are required to participate in a one-hour test every year.
  • Performance payment is based on electricity use reduction during the test and all events. It is measured using our customer baseline load procedures.
  • A performance factor of more than 25 percent is required to qualify for reservation payments.
  • Aggregators must have systems and processes in place to:
    • Respond to CSRP tests and events pursuant to notification through our prescribed notification system.
    • Ensure that the aggregator’s enrolled customers respond to CSRP tests and events.
    • Electronically submit enrollments to us using the enrollment system established and modified by us.

Payment Options

There are two payment options for the CSRP under which a direct participant or an aggregator may contract to provide load relief during load relief periods designated by us. The options are the Voluntary Participation Option and the Reservation Payment Option.

Voluntary Participation Option

Under the Voluntary Participation Option we will make a payment to a direct participant or aggregator who provides load relief during a designated load relief period. The performance amount paid per event is equal to the applicable performance payment rate per kilowatt-hour (kWh) multiplied by the average kilowatt (kW) of load relief provided during the event multiplied by the number of event hours.

  • The current performance payment rate is $0.50 per kWh.

We will make all performance payments to a direct participant or aggregator after the program year. 

Reservation Payment Option

To participate in the Reservation Payment Option, the direct participant or the aggregator must commit to load relief for planned and unplanned events upon our request. Under this option, the monthly payment is calculated by multiplying the applicable reservation payment rate per kW by the kW of contracted load relief multiplied by performance factor for the month. A performance factor recorded at less than or equal to 25 percent will be set to zero. There is a reservation payment rate for months where we have requested four or fewer planned load relief events. There is also a reservation payment rate for months where we have requested five or more planned load relief events.

  • The current reservation payment rate for four or less planned events is $4.25 per kW per month.
  • The current reservation payment rate for five or more planned events is $4.50 per kW per month.

The direct participant or the aggregator will receive a performance payment per kWh for load relief during test, planned and unplanned load relief events.

  • The current performance payment rate is $0.50 per kWh.

We will make all performance payments to a direct participant or aggregator after the program year.

Apply Now


Commercial System Relief Program participation details are contained in the tariff. The enrollment deadline for the Reservation Payment Option is April 1, 2025 for a May 1 start, or May 1, 2025 for a June 1 start. The Voluntary Participation Option enrollment deadline is September 30, 2025.


We encourage you to apply through an aggregator. These aggregators have expressed interest in participating. If you are able to reduce your electricity use by 50 kW or more, you can be a direct participant by applying directly with us.


To participate directly with us, complete and submit the demand response application.


Submit applications and any questions you may have.

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