Comprehensive Incentive Structure

Comprehensive Incentive Structure

Featuring both greater incentives and dramatically improved energy efficiency, the comprehensive plan provides whole building retrofit projects with up to a $1,200 per dwelling unit.

Comprehensive project incentives are provided on a dollar per dwelling unit basis, with two tiers of incentives based on a project’s total points. The higher the tier, the higher the incentive amount per dwelling unit. The points range from 5 to 50 and have been assigned to each measure category in the table below.


40 Points Per Measure

(High Value EE)

30 Points Per Measure

(High-Medium Value)

20 Points Per Measure

(Medium Value EE)

10 Points Per Measure

(Light-Medium Value EE)

5 Points

(Light Touch EE)

 •Windows replacement
• Insulation (roof / wall)
•    Boiler replacement
•    Domestic hot water heater replacements •    Central cooling
•    Elevators
•    Ventilation such as energy recovery ventilators
•    Air sealing
•    Steam traps
•    HVAC electric controls (BMS, thermostats)
•    Motors and drives
•    Energy management system (EMS)
•    Hot water and steam pipe insulation
•    Boiler clean & tune
•    Common area lighting
•    In-unit direct install measures such as faucet aerators, showerheads, LEDs
•    Appliances (stoves, refrigerators, washer / dryers, dishwasher)
•    Orifice plates
•    Thermostatic Radiator Valves (TRVs)

Any project that accumulates 100 or more total points qualifies as a comprehensive project. 


Proposed LMI-Multifamily Comprehensive Pathway Incentive 
Tier Minimum Points Downstate Incentive ($/Dwelling Unit) Upstate Incentive ($/Dwelling Unit)
1 100 $1,500 $900
2 150 $2,000 $1,200

Tier 1

Project Scope Points Achieved
Insulation (roof) 40
Water heater replacement 30
Heating pipe insulation 10
Air sealing (doors) 10
Common area lighting 5
In-unit direct install (LEDs) 5
Total 100

Tier 2

Project Scope Points Achieved
Insulation (roof 40
Boiler replacement 40
Window replacement 40
Air sealing (doors) 10
Heating pipe insulation 10
Steam traps 10
Appliances (refrigerators) 5
Common area lighting 5
Total 160
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