Station 46

Station 46

Station 46 - Replace #1 and #3 Transformer Banks

Statement of Value

RG&E, a subsidiary of AVANGRID, is committed to providing reliable service to all customers. The Station 46 existing 6.25 MVA transformer banks #1 and #3 at Station 46 has reached 99% and 82% of their normal rating respectively during the summer peak of 2011. The total peak loading at the station has been 13 MVA for two consecutive years of 2012 and 2013. The station's six (6) distribution circuits serve approximately 6,356 residential and commercial customers.. The upgrades at Station 46 will create a more reliable electrical system and support the growing demand of our customers.

Project Description

The substation is located 776 West Ridge Road, Rochester NY and Everett St. in Greece. The Station 46 project will reconfigure the existing customer 4kV Circuits into 12kV Circuits over a long term period into 2025.


Project Scope

  • Replace Transformer Banks #1 and #3 with 2 new 34.5-4.16x12.5 kV, 13.4/17.9/22.4 MVA Transformer Banks.
  • Construct a new Control House.
  • Install new Gas Insulated Switchgear for the 34.5kV Feed and 12kV  Distribution Circuits.
  • Demolish the existing 4kV Control House, removing 50% of the overhead 34.5kV buswork and related breakers.

Project Map

  • You may view/download a PDF map of the project here.

Project Fact Sheet

  • To view the project Fact Sheet click here.

Construction Timeline and Anticipated Schedule

  • Vegetation clearning to begin in May of 2019.
  • Foundation construction to begin in March of 2020.
  • Estimated in-service date in June of 2024.


Please contact RG&E Project Information Line at 888.553.5411 and leave a detailed message. A representative from the RG&E Station 46 project team will return your call within three business days.

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