Report Energy Theft

Report Energy Theft

Energy Theft

Electricity theft is a problem shared by all utilities and customers. Theft of energy or equipment costs billions of dollars annually, and more importantly, those stealing energy can create dangerous situations for themselves, the general public, emergency responders and utility workers, in addition to violating electrical and natural gas codes.

Who pays the cost of energy theft? In many cases, theft of service is part of the rates all customers pay, just like retail store prices include cost recovery for shoplifted items.

RG&E is committed to protecting our customers, the general public, emergency responders and our employees by watching for and eliminating theft. The added benefit to reducing theft, besides ensuring safety, is reducing cost.

Our employees work closely with other utilities and with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies to detect, investigate and prosecute anyone found diverting, bypassing or tampering with electric and/or gas meters or utility-owned equipment. We also rely on the general public to keep us informed of any suspicious situations – even theft of copper or other utility equipment. If you have information related to energy or utility equipment theft, you can complete the form below or call our tip line at 585.724.8733. All information will be kept confidential.


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