Hourly Pricing (Commercial)

Hourly Pricing (Commercial)

An opportunity to better manage electricity use and costs

The goal of hourly pricing is to reduce peak demand and shift electricity use to off-peak, less expensive time periods. It allows customers to measure their actual energy use by the hour. A customer taking service under Hourly Pricing shall remain subject to this provision until their monthly measured demand has been less than 200 KW for 12 consecutive months, at which time the customer shall be billed under another appropriate service classification.

If you have questions concerning the hourly pricing program, please email us your account information and a representative will contact you.

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Program FAQs below


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RG&E will send you a confirmation letter notifying you that your account has met the qualification criteria and the date hourly pricing will go into effect for your account.

Yes, your bill will change as follows:

  • Meter reads will no longer be shown on your bill (as part of the transition to hourly pricing this may affect your bill prior to your account being transferred to hourly pricing).
  • You may see additional charges for the hourly pricing meter and manual meter read charge if RG&E is not able to read the meter via the required telephone line.
  • If you purchase your electricity supply from RG&E, you will see a capacity charge on your bill. 
  • Hourly usage and prices will not be shown on your bill.  You can access hourly usage (regardless of your supplier) and hourly pricing information (if RG&E is your supplier) for the billing period via online account access at RG&E.com.

Hourly pricing customers have two supply choices:

  • ESCO Price Option (EPO) – where you purchase your electricity supply from a supplier other than RG&E (also known as an energy services company or ESCO); RG&E will provide only delivery service.  The price you pay for electricity supply under this option depends on your agreement with your ESCO.
  • Variable Price with the RG&E Hourly Day-Ahead Market Pricing Option – purchase your electricity from RG&E at an hourly price based on the day-ahead pricing market.

This depends on your current supply choice:

  • If your electricity is supplied by an ESCO prior to the effective date of hourly pricing, your account will be set up on the ESCO Price Option (EPO).
  • If your electricity is supplied by RG&E prior to the effective date of hourly pricing, your account will be set up on the Variable Price with RG&E Hourly Day-Ahead Market Pricing Option.
  • RG&E will provide sufficient notice of the effective date of hourly pricing for your account so you can make a new supply choice, if you choose.

No, hourly pricing accounts can not be set up on budget billing for the RG&E portion of your bill. However, if your electricity is supplied by an ESCO, they may offer budget billing for their charges.

Yes, the following customers are exempt:

  • Customers receiving an allocation of energy from the New York Power Authority (NYPA) with an allocation effective date prior to January 1, 2007.
  • Customers that have an economic incentive that began prior to January 1, 2007.
  • Customers in either of these two categories may be able to take hourly pricing on a voluntary basis for some portion of their electricity use.

No, the hourly pricing program does not affect your delivery rates.

Any customer that has a demand (on-peak or off-peak) of 1,000 kilowatts (kw) or greater during any two months during a 12-month period beginning January 1, 2007 is subject to hourly pricing.

Effective September 22, 2011, the MHP program was expanded to customers with a demand 500 kilowatts (kw) or greater during any two months during the twelve months ending August 31, 2011.

Effective September 22, 2012, the program will be expanded to all remaining SC8 and SC14 customers.

A customer taking service under hourly pricing will remain subject to this provision until their monthly metered demand has been less than 200 kw for 12 consecutive months.

Qualifying RG&E small business customers are eligible to receive a free energy assessment of their business that will identify the greatest opportunities for energy savings. Upon completion of the energy assessment, customers will receive a report detailing opportunities for energy efficiency improvements. The energy assessment will focus primarily on lighting improvements, specifically energy conservation measures with the greatest savings opportunities at the lowest cost. Refrigeration measures have been added for customers with walk-in coolers in their businesses.

The proposed equipment upgrades will qualify for subsidized installation - RG&E (whichever utility provides the customer’s electricity service) will cover up to 60% of the installation costs, with the customer responsible for the remaining 40%. Financing options may be available to qualified customers.

Participation in this program provides customers with economic benefits and environmental benefits for the local community.

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