Smart Savings Rewards Thermostat Program

Smart Savings Rewards Thermostat Program

Get paid to use less energy

Our Smart Savings Rewards program is available to residential and small business electricity customers who install an eligible thermostat controlling their central air conditioning equipment. Once enrolled, participants receive a $70 MasterCard e-gift card. In addition, participants receive a $20 bill credit at the end of the season when they participate in temperature adjustments. 

Our Smart Savings Rewards program offers incentives to residential and small business customers when they reduce electricity use during times of peak summer electricity demand, thereby helping to alleviate the strain on New York State’s power supply.

Smart Savings Rewards: Central Air Conditioning

Participants allow us to make brief limited temperature adjustments from May 1 to September 30 on days when summer electricity demand is at its highest (excluding holidays). Participation is voluntary and customers can opt out of temperature adjustments at any point by adjusting their air conditioning temperature.



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