Russell Station

Russell Station

Russell Station Remediation/Abatement and Demolition Project

Recycled and Waste Materials Removed - 21,700 tons as of October 4, 2016.

Project Status

Demolition of main plant structures has been completed. Removal and re-grading of the former switchyard, small outbuildings, and tanks is currently anticipated to be completed by the end of the year. Plugging and closure of the intake and discharge tunnels is being finalized. Building foundations and slabs are being removed, pits and sumps cleaned and then filled according to specification. New site drainage is being installed after which topsoil will be utilized for final grading of the site to allow for planting of wildlife friendly grasses and vegetation.

Demolition Project Specifics

Since RG&E has no further plans to generate electricity on this portion of the larger Russell Station site, RG&E plans to demolish, remove and/or recycle all unused buildings, structures (including the two stacks), equipment, utilities, pavements and roads. Hazardous materials and solid waste will be removed and safely disposed of prior to demolition. RG&E is committed to complete this abatement and demolition work safely while paying particular attention to protecting the surrounding area.

RG&E will close and fill the portion of the cooling water intake tunnel that runs from the Lake Ontario shore to the station’s outer wall. RG&E plans to remove all other old building foundations, underground trenches and ductwork to approximately three feet below final grade. RG&E will decontaminate and abandon-in-place any structures located deeper in the ground.

After demolition and remediation activities are completed, RG&E will cover any disturbed areas with topsoil, then grade and seed with a wildlife-friendly seed mixture. RG&E will repair/repave any remaining access roads, improve the site drainage, and install new fencing and lighting.

Future Plans

After the project is complete, the two electric yards, transmission substation, and the groundwater collection & treatment system (including the water treatment building and coal pile cap) will remain and continue to function on the site. RG&E will continue to secure and maintain the property to support ongoing operations on the site which will remain closed to the public.


NorthStar started work at the Russell site in January 2015. The target for final completion of the work is the end of 2016.


If you have questions about this project, please contact RG&E at 877.387.9186 and leave a detailed message. A representative from the RG&E Russell Station Demolition project team will return your call within three business days.

Project History

RG&E worked for nearly two years developing detailed project specifications and reviewing the qualifications of sixty-five contractors to ensure this work would be done safely and efficiently. NorthStar Demolition and Remediation was selected after extensive vetting. NorthStar is one of the largest power plant demolition contractors in the United States and very experienced in major demolition projects. Their winning bid provided the best value for our nearly 400,000 electric customers in the nine-county region we serve.

The design of the project addressed the aesthetic, environmental and public safety components unique to the Russell site. In addition to the long-term community benefits of these improvements, the two-year project will produce millions of dollars of additional economic benefits through local employment and other spending associated with this work.

NorthStar's experienced project management team has overseen all phases of plant demolition and site restoration, including the responsibility for hiring all subcontractors and suppliers for this project. As of the end of February 2016, since the beginning of this and the companion Beebee Station Demolition & Remediation Projects, NorthStar estimates that approximately 55% of its workers live in Monroe County, and that these local employees have worked over 86,000 safe work hours.

RG&E has hired The LiRo Group as the Construction Manager for this project. LiRo continues to oversee all day-to-day activities at the site during the abatement, demolition and restoration process.

RG&E is confident the LiRo/NorthStar team will continue to manage all aspects of the project safely and efficiently to the benefit of our communities and customers.

Russell Station History

RG&E built the first generating unit at Russell Station in 1948 and completed the fourth one in 1957 for a total nameplate capacity of 253 MW. It was named for former CEO Herman B. Russell. The primary fuel utilized at Russell Station throughout its life was bituminous coal. RG&E discontinued generation at the plant in early 2008. At that time, RG&E removed the coal from the storage pile and covered the pile site. Coal dust, fly ash, oil and other chemicals were removed from the facility.

Information Materials


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