Extended Outage Relief

Extended Outage Relief

Extended Outage Credit

If you are a residential customer and experience a service outage of 96 consecutive hours or more as part of a widespread prolonged outage impacting 20,000 customers or more at the same time, you will automatically receive a Extended Outage Credit of $25 for every 24-hour period you remain without power after the initial 72 hours. If eligible, the Extended Outage Credit will be applied to your first billing statement between 60 and 90 days from completion of restoration following a widespread outage event. You do not need to submit a claim and will receive the bill credit automatically. 

Food/Prescription Medication Spoilage Compensation Credit

Residential and small business customers who are without power for 72 consecutive hours as the result of a widespread prolonged outage impacting 20,000 customers or more at the same time may also be eligible to receive reimbursement for food or prescription medication that spoiled due to lack of refrigeration.

Eligible residential customers may seek reimbursement for spoiled food:

  • Up to $235 when the claim is provided with an itemized list of items lost with their prices, OR
  • Up to $540 when the claim includes proof of loss (ex., pictures of lost food and store receipts). 

In addition, eligible residential customers may also seek reimbursement for spoiled prescription medication up to the actual value of the spoiled prescription medication when the claim is provided with an itemized list of the lost items and proof of loss. 

Eligible small business customers may seek reimbursement for spoiled food of up to $540 when the claim is provided with an itemized list and proof of the loss. 

Please complete our claim form to apply for the Food/Prescription Medication Spoilage Compensation Credit.

Additional information

What is considered “proof of loss”? This is verifiable proof of perishable food and/or prescription medication spoilage. To verify spoilage, an itemized list of perishable food and/or prescription medication and a depiction (photographic evidence) of the spoiled food and/or prescription medication. To determine the reimbursement amount, please provide itemized receipts, itemized cash register receipts, itemized credit card receipts, and/or photographs of replacement goods that also indicate the price of the item, or other verifiable documentation of the market value of the item. 

Who is considered a small business electric customer? A non-residential electric customer that receives service either:

  1. Under a non-demand billed rate, OR
  2. Under a demand billed rate, provided the highest metered demand was less than or equal to 40 kW during the previous 12 months.

Who is considered a small business natural gas customer? A non-residential natural gas customer that does not receive service under an interruptible service rate and:

  1. Has actual annual natural gas consumption that does not exceed 750 dekatherms per year, OR
  2. For customers with less than one year of actual meter readings, has an average actual monthly usage that, when multiplied by 12, does not exceed 750 dekatherms.
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