PSC 16

PSC 16

PSC No. 16 - Schedule for Natural Gas Service

Table of Contents

For your convenience, we have placed the entire Tariff online Sections 1-5, Sections 6-22, and Service Classifications.

Part I: Territory to Which Schedule Applies

Part II:  Rules and Regulations 

  1. Definitions and Abbreviations
  2. How to Obtain Service
  3. Extension of Company Facilities
  4. Metering and Billing
  5. Termination of Service
  6. Liability
  7. Customer Inquiries and Complaints
  8. Application Forms
  9. Interest on Customer Overpayments
  10. General Retail Access
  11. Weather Normalization Adjustment (WNA)
  12. System Benefits Charge (SBC)
  13. Reserved for Future Use
  14. Revenue Decoupling Mechanism (RDM) Adjustment
  15. Rate Adjustment Mechanism (RAM)
  16. Uniform Business Practices – Distributed Energy Resources Providers 
  17. Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) Program
  18. Earnings Adjustment Mechanism (EAM) Surcharge
  19. Non-Pipe Alternatives (NPA) Surcharge
  20. Non-Firm Revenue Adjustment
  21. Late Payment Charge and Other Waived Fees ("LPCO") Surcharge
  22. Arrears Relief Program

Part III:  Service Classifications 

  1. General Service
  2. Gas Lighting Service (Cancelled) 
  3. Large Transportation Service
  4. General Service - Economic Development
  5. Small Transportation Service
  6. Non-Residential Distributed Generation Firm Gas Sales <50 MW
  7. Firm Gas Transportation Service for Distributed Generation Facilities <50 MW
  8. Residential Distributed Generation Firm Gas Sales Service
  9. Residential Distributed Generation Gas Transportation Service
  10. General Service - Distributed Service to Electric Generation
  11. N/A
  12. N/A
  13. N/A
  14. N/A
  15. Interruptible Sales Service
  16. Interruptible Transportation Service


Please note, the most recent statement listed is the statement that is currently in effect which supersedes the other statements listed.

Statements on file with the Public Service Commission psc 16

Statements on file with the Public Service Commission (PSC)

Applicable to PSC 16

Effective Date

Please review statements applicable to:

Applicable to PSC 16

Effective Date

psc 16 addendum

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