Landlords and Renters

Landlords and Renters

Rental property owners or agents: protect your property, assist your tenants and manage your accounts with our services. 

Billing History Request

Upon written request from a prospective tenant, we will provide, at no cost, the total electricity and/or natural gas two-year billing history of the prospective residential rental premises. We will provide this information to the prospective landlord, or other authorized person, within ten days of receipt of the written request.

The following fees shall be charged to fulfill any individual request for meter read data, billed history, or both simultaneously, for a single customer service point:

  • No fee for the first two requests within a 12-month period.
  • $15 for each additional request within a 12-month period beyond two requests.
  • $15 for each request beyond the most recent two-year billing history (up to and including six years of available data).

The above fees are to be paid for by the person making the request..

For more information, please refer to the tariff leafs below.

Shared Meter Form

Landlord/tenant shared meter agreement form

To apply, complete the application form.

Mail the application form to:

Attn: Customer Relations Center - Correspondence
180 South Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY 14604

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