Why Read Your Meter

Why Read Your Meter

Reading the meter is an easy way to avoid estimated bills.

When you send us your meter reading for months we don’t read the meter, you’ll receive a bill based on your actual energy use. We read most meters every other month. On the months we don’t read the meter or it is inconvenient for you to provide access to meter, we send an estimated bill. Estimated bills are based on the amount of energy used for a similar period the previous year. Any difference between actual and estimated use is corrected the next time RG&E reads the meter.

Already have a smart meter? Your monthly meter reads are automatic. No need to submit a reading since your bills are based on your actual energy use each month. 


If you read the meter, keep in mind that we need periodic access to the meter to verify your readings and make sure the meter is working properly.

You can provide your meter readings:

  • By using our online meter reading form – We’ll notify you in advance by either text message, telephone or email when the meter reading is due
  • By calling our self-service line at 800.295.7323 – When you call, have your 11-digit RG&E account number available as well as your meter reading.
  • Receive reminders (by text message, email or phone) to read the meter by enrolling in our Customer Meter Reading Reminder Service or contact us .

Not sure how to read your meter?

View our Guide to Meter Reading .

Sign up for Meter Read Alerts!

You can receive a text message, email, or voice message when your meter reading is due by logging into your account and enrolling in Meter Reading Reminder Alerts.

Safety Requires Clear Access to Your Meter

It is important to keep a clear path to your meter. This can ensure your safety and the safety of others, and to make sure your meter is working properly. Here are a few fall safety tips to consider:

  • Keep outside gutters free of leaves and debris, especially those above or near your electric and/or gas meters.
  • Be cautious of permanent obstructions that could prevent clear access to your meter.
  • Carefully remove bees nests.
  • Be aware of potential size and growth patterns of new landscape.


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