Energy Manager

Energy Manager

Powered by your smart meter, Energy Manager lets you see your energy use down to the hour.

Our free and secure online tool can help you understand your energy usage. After your smart meter is installed, it may take some time to set up your Energy Manager experience. As soon as it is available, it will automatically appear in your My Account.

Over time, Energy Manager will provide additional features as more of your energy use history becomes available.

Complete your home or business profile for personalized tips and action plans to help you manage your monthly energy use. Other features include:

  • View your energy use down to the hour
  • Download your energy use data
  • Complete short quizzes for your home, or complete your business location profile, to receive future personalized savings tips and insights
  • See a breakdown of your energy use by category (heating, cooling, lighting, hot water)
  • Compare your home or business with similar properties

Future features include:

  • Gain insights into your billing, allowing you to compare rates that may help you make decisions based on your usage history

Get Started

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It’s a free online tool to provide you secure access to your energy use. After your smart meter is installed and Energy Manager is available, you’ll be able to view energy use day-by-day, hour-by-hour.

Visit MyAccount to get started. Registering is easy and only takes a few minutes to get set up.

Smart meters automatically and securely send us your energy use, so you’re billed based on actual use each month. We’ve also built new tools such as Energy Manager that can help you better understand and manage your energy use. Our online tool connects you with your energy use down to the hour and customized recommendations to save energy. After your smart meter is installed, Energy Manager can provide you insights into how you’re using energy in your home and business and help you pinpoint measures you can take to reduce your energy use.

We’re working hard to provide all of our customers with access to Energy Manager. As soon as it is available, it will automatically appear in your My Account. If you do not see Energy Manager, be sure to check back.

Yes, your energy information is communicated over a private, secure connection. The detail you’ll be able to see in Energy Manager depends on whether or not you have a smart meter and if Energy Manager is available to you yet. We take privacy and security seriously and never sell or share your data. Your energy detail is available to you in your My Account.  

Energy Manager will provide a detailed view of your energy usage only. If you’ve just moved into a property, you’ll be able to see your energy use history only, up to 13 months.

Yes, you can see your energy use detail after logging in. The detail you’ll be able to see in Energy Manager depends on whether or not you have a smart meter and if Energy Manager is available to you yet. You will have access to up to 13 months of energy use detail, depending on how long your account has been open. 

Energy Manager gives you a view of your energy use that can help you get a better understanding of the way you are using energy in your home or business.

No, there is no separate enrollment for Energy Manager. As soon as Energy Manager is available for you, it will automatically appear in My Account. Just log in to My Account to view your unique energy information for your home or business. Don’t have a login yet? It’s easy and only takes a few minutes to create so you can view your energy use, view and pay bills and manage your preferences like Alerts.

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