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Choose A Supplier

Energy delivery and supply

RG&E is your energy delivery company. We deliver electricity or gas to your home or business safely and reliably over our wires and pipelines. You purchase your energy supply from RG&E or any other energy supplier. Your energy price is made up of delivery, supply and transition charges. The delivery charge is what you pay RG&E to transport energy to you and is a fixed charge. The supply charge is what you pay your supplier for the energy you use. The transition charge reflects the costs of making the energy industry more competitive.

Electricity supply choices

You have a choice of electricity suppliers. No matter which supplier you choose, RG&E will continue to deliver energy to you. If your power is interrupted, you have a natural gas emergency or you have questions regarding your energy delivery service, RG&E will be there for you.

  • Electricity supply: Electricity customers can purchase their electricity supply from RG&E or any other supplier, also known as an energy services company (ESCO). RG&E’s supply service consists of variable RG&E electricity supply and transition charges, and a fixed RG&E delivery charge. The supply charge changes each month as the market price of electricity fluctuates. View the current RG&E Supply Rate here.
  • ESCO electricity supply service:  ESCO supply customers pay an electricity supply charge, a variable RG&E transition charge and a fixed RG&E delivery charge. How much you pay for your electricity supply depends on an agreement with your supplier. View our list of suppliers .

Natural gas supply choices

As with electricity supply, natural gas customers can purchase their natural gas supply from RG&E or another natural gas supplier (ESCO). 

  • RG&E’s Sales Service consists of a variable RG&E natural gas supply charge and transition surcharge, and a fixed RG&E delivery charge. The supply charge and transition surcharge change each month as the market price of natural gas fluctuates.
  • RG&E Transportation Service consists of an ESCO natural gas supply charge, a variable RG&E transition surcharge and a fixed RG&E delivery charge. How much you pay for your natural gas supply depends on your agreement with your supplier.  View our list of suppliers .

Pursuant to PSC Order 12-M-0476 , Energy Supply Companies must satisfy conditions before servicing customers enrolled in our Energy Assistance Program.

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Frequently asked questions below

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You can select either RG&E or an ESCO as your suppler at any time. Please note, if you agree to purchase your electricity supply from an ESCO, you may incur a fee for ending your agreement early. Check with your ESCO prior to any switch.

You may purchase your electricity supply from RG&E or an ESCO. For the most up-to-date  list of ESCOs .

Customers enrolled in the RG&E Fixed Price or RG&E Variable Price options were placed in the RG&E Supply Service option unless they selected an ESCO for their energy supply.

ESCO customers were placed in the ESCO Supply Service option, unless the customer or ESCO chose to end the agreement. If you are an ESCO customer and you have questions about your ESCO service, please  contact your ESCO directly .

You have the same choices as any RG&E customer: RG&E Supply Service, a variable price option for electricity supply, or ESCO Supply Service, with supply provided by an energy services company (ESCO). You can select either option anytime.

If you do not have an ESCO selected when you begin service with RG&E, you will be billed on the RG&E Supply Service rate.

The supply charge is what you pay RG&E or a supplier other than RG&E for the electricity you receive. The amount you pay per kilowatt-hour (kwh) for supply may be fixed or variable. RG&E only offers a variable supply price.

They are all the same thing: A supplier other than RG&E is often called an energy services company or ESCO. An ESCO is an unregulated business that sells electricity supply directly to you. RG&E continues to deliver the electricity to you. For the most up-to-date  list of ESCOs .

The delivery charge is what you pay RG&E to transport electricity to you over our power lines to your home or business. It is a fixed price per kwh.

It consists of a variable electricity supply and transition charge and a fixed RG&E delivery charge. The supply price varies according to market prices. RG&E makes no profit on your supply charge.

RG&E places no limits on switching. However, ESCOs may limit switching. You should check with the ESCOs regarding switching rules.

Factors that may contribute to the wholesale market price of electricity include supply availability, demand for electricity, transmission line availability, economic conditions, power plant fuel costs and the weather.

ESCO pricing information is not provided to RG&E. ESCOs may have both fixed and variable price offers. You must contact ESCOs directly for information about their offers. For a  list of ESCOs .

All customers who receive delivery service from RG&E pay the same variable transition charge regardless of who supplies their electricity.

You still call RG&E. RG&E will continue to safely and reliably deliver your electricity no matter which supplier you choose. For questions about electricity supply from your ESCO or about the ESCO portion of your electricity bill, contact your ESCO.

The transition charge is the difference between the market price of electricity and the price of RG&E’s long-term electricity supply contracts (may be positive or negative). This charge will be the same variable charge whether you purchase your electricity supply from RG&E or from an ESCO.

It consists of a variable transition charge, a fixed RG&E delivery charge and an ESCO supply charge. What you pay for your supply charge depends upon your agreement with your ESCO. ESCOs may offer both fixed and variable supply prices. To learn more about ESCO offers, please contact ESCOs directly. For the most up-to-date  list of ESCOs .

You can contact ESCOs. For the most up-to-date  list of ESCOs

Effective January 1, 2010, RG&E does not offer a fixed electricity supply price. Some ESCOs may have fixed supply offers. For the most up-to-date  list of ESCOs .

The electricity supply, transition and delivery charges for the RG&E Supply Service can be found on our supply price page.

RG&E previously had a set enrollment period each fall where customers selected from fixed and variable RG&E supply options and ESCO supply options; we called this enrollment program Voice Your Choice, and it is no longer in effect. The last Voice Your Choice enrollment period ended December 30, 2008. RG&E now has no set enrollment period for customers to select either RG&E or ESCO supply.

If you switch from RG&E to an ESCO, you'll receive a letter from RG&E confirming your change in supplier. You can view your current supply choice on the top of page three of your bill, right above the meter reading table or by viewing your selection online.

Yes. The electricity supply prices are calculated and displayed each day on the Supply Price page. These will be updated in January to reflect the new RG&E supply prices and the delivery and transition charges that apply to both RG&E Supply Service and ESCO Supply Service. The supply price you will be charged will depend on the prices in effect during your billing period.

You still call RG&E. RG&E will continue to safely and reliably deliver your electricity no matter which supplier you choose. For questions about electricity supply from your ESCO or about the ESCO portion of your electricity bill, contact your ESCO.

The NYPA allocation of low-cost hydropower to benefit RG&E residential customers has been extended, on a month-to-month basis, through December 2009. The benefit to residential customers is reflected in the transition charge.

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